Tuesday, January 17, 2023

universal health care act of 2019 (RA 11223)


>sec 2. principles & policies: health literacy, healthy living conditions, protect from hazards & risks, prove COMPREHENSIVE QUALITY & COST-EFFECTIVE health care

Heath Services: 1. promote 2. prevent 3. cure 4. rehab 5. palliate

approach: whole-of-system / govt / society

>sec 3. EQUITABLE ACCESS TO HEATH CARE that are QUALITY and AFFORDABLE goods & services

>sec 4. definition of terms 

--BASIC health benefits: meal, bed in shared room, fan, shared toilet & bath

(j) FRAUDULENT ACT = any act of MISREPRESENTATION or DECEPTION resulting in UNDUE benefit or advantage on the part of the does or any means that DEVIATE from NORMAL procedure & is undertaken for PERSONAL GAIN, resulting thereafter to DANGER & PREJUDICE which may be capable of PECUNIARY estimation.

(k) A Health Care Professional who may be a doctor of medicine, nurse, midwife, dentist, or OTHER ALLIED professional or practitioner duly LICENSED to practice in the PH.

--the primary healthcare provider is the NAVIGATOR & COORDINATOR in the health care delivery network (HCDN)

>sec 5. population coverage: "EVERY FILIPINO CITIZEN SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY INCLUDED IN THE National Health Insurance Program."


>sec 18. "... That APEX or END-REFERRAL HOSPITALS, as determined by the DOH, may be contracted as stand-alone HC provider by PhilHealth."

>sec 23. "To ensure continuity in the provision of the health programs & services, all health professionals & HCWs shall be guaranteed permanent employment & COMPETITIVE SALARIES."

>sec 24. priorities:

-GIDA = Geographically Isolated & Disadvantaged Areas

-- the UNDERSERVED, the UNSERVED, & members of IPs

>sec 27 (c) "The DOH shall set STANDARDS for clinical care through the development, appraisal, & use of CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES (CPGs) in cooperation with professional societies & the academe."

>sec 29. annual updated LIST OF UNDERSERVED areas

(a) "... The DOH shall develop the FRAMEWORK & GUIDELINES to determine the appropriate BED CAPACITY & NUMBER OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS of public hospital facilities."

>sec 30. Health Promotion Bureau (to be created). & at least 1% of DOH total budget appropriations should go there.

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