Wednesday, January 18, 2023

PH Crisis Hotlines

A. History

Started in 1953, now there are over 2k crisis hotlines wordlwide.

B. PH Crisis Hotlines

1. hopeline

2. in touch: crisis line

3. ncmh crisis htoline

4. child hoelpline

C. Forms of Support

1. Active Listening

2. Processing of Emotions

3. Working with you to determine meaningful next steps

D. Hotline Issues (alphabetical)

1. abuse & domestic violence

2. anxiety

3. bullying

4. dementia & Alzheimer's

5. depression

6. eating & body image

7. family

8. gambling

9. gender & sexual identity

10. grief & loss

11. loneliness

12. parenting

13. physical illness

14. pregnancy & abortion

15. relationships

16. school & work

17. self-harm

18. sexual abuse

19. stress

20. substance use

21. suicide

22. supporting others

23. trauma & ptsd

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