Wednesday, January 18, 2023

PH Crisis Hotlines

A. History

Started in 1953, now there are over 2k crisis hotlines wordlwide.

B. PH Crisis Hotlines

1. hopeline

2. in touch: crisis line

3. ncmh crisis htoline

4. child hoelpline

C. Forms of Support

1. Active Listening

2. Processing of Emotions

3. Working with you to determine meaningful next steps

D. Hotline Issues (alphabetical)

1. abuse & domestic violence

2. anxiety

3. bullying

4. dementia & Alzheimer's

5. depression

6. eating & body image

7. family

8. gambling

9. gender & sexual identity

10. grief & loss

11. loneliness

12. parenting

13. physical illness

14. pregnancy & abortion

15. relationships

16. school & work

17. self-harm

18. sexual abuse

19. stress

20. substance use

21. suicide

22. supporting others

23. trauma & ptsd

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

universal health care act of 2019 (RA 11223)

>sec 2. principles & policies: health literacy, healthy living conditions, protect from hazards & risks, prove COMPREHENSIVE QUALITY & COST-EFFECTIVE health care

Heath Services: 1. promote 2. prevent 3. cure 4. rehab 5. palliate

approach: whole-of-system / govt / society

>sec 3. EQUITABLE ACCESS TO HEATH CARE that are QUALITY and AFFORDABLE goods & services

>sec 4. definition of terms 

--BASIC health benefits: meal, bed in shared room, fan, shared toilet & bath

(j) FRAUDULENT ACT = any act of MISREPRESENTATION or DECEPTION resulting in UNDUE benefit or advantage on the part of the does or any means that DEVIATE from NORMAL procedure & is undertaken for PERSONAL GAIN, resulting thereafter to DANGER & PREJUDICE which may be capable of PECUNIARY estimation.

(k) A Health Care Professional who may be a doctor of medicine, nurse, midwife, dentist, or OTHER ALLIED professional or practitioner duly LICENSED to practice in the PH.

--the primary healthcare provider is the NAVIGATOR & COORDINATOR in the health care delivery network (HCDN)

>sec 5. population coverage: "EVERY FILIPINO CITIZEN SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY INCLUDED IN THE National Health Insurance Program."


>sec 18. "... That APEX or END-REFERRAL HOSPITALS, as determined by the DOH, may be contracted as stand-alone HC provider by PhilHealth."

>sec 23. "To ensure continuity in the provision of the health programs & services, all health professionals & HCWs shall be guaranteed permanent employment & COMPETITIVE SALARIES."

>sec 24. priorities:

-GIDA = Geographically Isolated & Disadvantaged Areas

-- the UNDERSERVED, the UNSERVED, & members of IPs

>sec 27 (c) "The DOH shall set STANDARDS for clinical care through the development, appraisal, & use of CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES (CPGs) in cooperation with professional societies & the academe."

>sec 29. annual updated LIST OF UNDERSERVED areas

(a) "... The DOH shall develop the FRAMEWORK & GUIDELINES to determine the appropriate BED CAPACITY & NUMBER OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS of public hospital facilities."

>sec 30. Health Promotion Bureau (to be created). & at least 1% of DOH total budget appropriations should go there.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

loving down syndrome kids (WHO video)

2 WHO-recommended videos on MH stigma