Monday, August 27, 2007

workaholism, intro

> the problem:

workaholism refers to a "tendency to spend to much time & get too great a reward at work at the expense of famly & personal life."

> proposed solutions:

- schedule your time
- force social interaction
- take time for health
- make time for short breaks
- "sharpen the saw"
---physical: exercise, nutririon, rest
---social/emotional : social & intimate connections with others
---mental: reading, learning, writing
---spiritual: connecting with nature, meditating, prayer, service
- set & review goals

"...i was letting the important things pass by me. taking the time &
spending my energy with the truly important parts of my life
(principally my wife, my family & my spiritual life) i have become
much more productive in my career & found greater joy in my
human existence."

-wayne parker

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