Monday, August 27, 2007

workaholism, antidote

Re: workaholism, antidote; 3-step process
Fr: james Adonis, work-life coach, 7Days (2007 June 26). “The pursuit of happiness,” p. 6. (underscore mine)

1. PRIORITIZE: decide what the most important thing is in your life.
Ex: family, friends, health, wealth, work
2. WORK TOWARDS YORU PRIORITY: identify barriers preventing you from achieving your goals and how you can work around them
3. FOLLOW THROUGH: follow through until you achieve

“work/life balance is a decision we make. we either decide we want to see people socially once or twice a week, or we don’t. we decide the world won’t end if we leave work on time, or we continue to work late. we choose to exercise or we choose not to.”

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