Wednesday, March 24, 2021

mental health professionals in the philippines

source: mela rubio & PGCA representative to house health committee legislative inquiry 22 March 2021 via zoom (RGC ratio) & dr carmen pabiton (RGC)

psychologists 1,365 as of 2019 october

psychiatrists: 591 active members

guidance counselors: 4,069 as of 2019 = 1:40,000 students

psychiatric nurses at ncmh: 1,131 as of november 2016

Saturday, March 20, 2021

psychologist vs psychiatrist

source: (himashi popli, MA psych)

>"for example, if a person is suffering from depression and recently attempted suicide, a psychiatrist will first prescribe anti-depressant medications to the person to manage the suicidal tendencies and make the person open to talking and psychotherapy.

AFTER STABILIZATION, the psychologist would start the therapy to get to the ROOT CAUSES of the person's difficulties and help them manage their negative thoughts and emotions."

>"thus, psychologists and psychiatrists work together in many mental heath-care settings to help patients."

>"in SEVERE cases where medication may prove effective and psychologists REFER such cases to psychiatrists."