Wednesday, October 6, 2021

facebook US senate hearing on unethical business practice over mental health (2021 oct 06)

whistleblower ms frances haugen, resigned lead product manager of FB (with undergrad degrees in electronics & communication engineering & computer engineering & MBA from Harvard) testifies before senate committee.

through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms (ADDICTIVE), FB preys on young people, e.g. female teens' body consciousness to dump contents on extreme diet leading to anorexia and other similar contents for PROFIT by hooking you in that particular topic of interest.


-- negative social comparison accounted for 60% of females * 40% of male teens"

>"FB addition, most severe in teens, peaks at age 14"

>FB allows multiple accounts, with the 2nd account allowing minors to hide these from their parents

>FB studying younger and younger markets as young as 8 years old; 13 years old & below are not allowed by law to access FB but just before the senate hearing, FB deleted 600k such illegal accounts

>issue of user privacy: 1.56b accounts are being sold on a hacking fora

>crimes can lead to trafficking, cartels, & forced labor 

>goal: maximize PROFIT (c/o advertising revenues) over the mental health of people, especially the young / teens"

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

do not let your past & present define your future: itaewon class (2020 award-winning TV series)

(an 8-min summary & commentary)

>recommended & made a webinar topic (19 aug 2021) by NGF (natasha goulbourn foundation) founder jean goulbourn

Thursday, August 12, 2021

defense mechanisms (groman et al., 2002)

Re: Defense Mechanisms

Fr: Gorman LC, Raines MC, & Sultan DF (2002). Psychosocial nursing for general patient care (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Co., pp. 11-13.

 >Definition: “unconscious mental processes used to reduce anxiety and conflict by modifying, distorting, and rejecting reality” (p. 11)

>Importance: “Without these mechanisms, the threatening feelings might overwhelm and paralyze the individual and interfere with daily living.” (p. 11)

>Pathology: “However, [when] they are used too extensively, they can contribute to highly distorted perceptions and interfere with normal functioning and interpersonal relationships…. (which) can be characterized as psychiatric disorders.” (p. 11)


Table 2-1. Common Defense Mechanisms





Attempt to remove an experience or a feeling from consciousness

After a diagnosis (dx) of terminal condition, the patient (px) does not exhibit any expected emotional reaction & states that dx is not true


The belief that one would be in great danger if the feelings about someone were known to that person, which causes the individual to discharge or displace feelings onto a third person or object

A family member is angry at the px for not taking better care of himself & feels too guilty to express this to the ill person. Instead, he expresses anger at the nursing staff for giving inadequate care


Accepting the other person’s circumstances as though they were one’s own

A man’s wife died a very painful death from cancer (CA). When he is dx with CA, he experiences extreme anxiety because he has accepted his wife’s experiences as if he had lived them.


Separating emotion from an idea or thought because emotionally it is too painful

A px discussed the physiology of his leukemia at length without any emotional reaction





Blocking out feelings associated with an unpleasant or threatening situation or thought

A nurse caring for critically ill px who is the same age provides care without experiencing the emotions realted to tragedy of the px’s situation


Transferring or blaming others for one’s own unacceptable ideas, impulses, wishes, or feelings

After a myorcadial infarction, a px relates that his wife is coping poorly with his condition. The px’s anxiety may be too great & threatening to face, so he places his own fears onto his wife


Substituting acceptable reasons for the true reasons for personal behaviour because admitting true reason is too threatening

Smoker continues to smoke despite MD’s warning because he knows many people who smoke & have no ill effects

Reaction formation

Actions that are opposite of the true, unacceptable feelings that the person is experiencing

A woman has negative feelings about her pregnancy but then lavishes constant attention on her newborn


Reverting to earlier patterns of development as a way to reduce anxiety & demands on one’s self

During serious illness, a px exhibits behaviour more appropriate for a younger developmental age, such as excessive dependency


Forcibly dismissing unacceptable thoughts, feelings, impulses, or memories from consciousness

A person is unable to recall feelings of hostility toward a sibling or specific memories from childhood


Expressing repressed urges or desires in socially acceptable ways

An angry person writes a poem about his reactions to his feelings


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

levels of health care

fr: dr michael mantaring, health promotion bureau, DOH webinar on "behavioral nudges for MH promotion orientation" 

1. individual -- knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors

2. interpersonal -- family, friends, neighbors

3. community -- norms, traditions, culture

4. institution -- laws & policies, infrastructure, resources (products & services), media

PH mental health promotion framework strategy / priority areas (2021 june 30)

fr: dr michael mantaring, health promotion bureau, DOH webinar on "behavioral nudges for MH promotion orientation" 

1. move more, eat right.

2. be calm, live normally.

3. get vaccinated.

4. don't smoke, reduce alcohol, say no to drugs.

5. care for yourself, care for others.

6. practice safe sex.

7. do no harm. put safety first.

health factors

fr: dr michael mantaring, health promotion bureau, DOH webinar on "behavioral nudges for MH promotion orientation" 

what makes us healthy?

20% access to care

10% environment (community & workplace)

30% healthy behaviors

40% socioeconomic factors

anxiety & depression statistics 2021 (self-identified)


Monday, June 21, 2021

mental wellness leave proposed in congress 2021


importance of MH in life (poster)


PH MH key results area / strategic goals / research agenda

 source: lucita lazo, pres of WAPR (world association for psychosocial rehabilitation) (21 june 2021 webinar on NH research by DOH)

1. improved national MH (NMH) INFORMATION SYSTEM

2. improved NMH GOVERNANCE

3. accessible, affordable, responsive & rights-based MH SERVICES & CARE

social determinants of mental health (dr lourdes ignacio-ladrido 21 june 2021)





family / social welfare

religion (culture)

current salaries of PH registered guidance counselors & psychologists

RGC I = SG 11

RGC II = SG 12



RPsy I = SG 11

RPsy II = SG 15

RPsy III = SG 18

statistics (ms lucita lazo* 21 june 2021 webinar) oh PH MH Situation human & material resources

>less than 1 mental health professional to 100,000 population

>less than 1% of gross domestic product vs greater or equal than 5% recommended

*current president, WAPR (world association for psychosocial rehabilitation)

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

mental health professionals in the philippines

source: mela rubio & PGCA representative to house health committee legislative inquiry 22 March 2021 via zoom (RGC ratio) & dr carmen pabiton (RGC)

psychologists 1,365 as of 2019 october

psychiatrists: 591 active members

guidance counselors: 4,069 as of 2019 = 1:40,000 students

psychiatric nurses at ncmh: 1,131 as of november 2016

Saturday, March 20, 2021

psychologist vs psychiatrist

source: (himashi popli, MA psych)

>"for example, if a person is suffering from depression and recently attempted suicide, a psychiatrist will first prescribe anti-depressant medications to the person to manage the suicidal tendencies and make the person open to talking and psychotherapy.

AFTER STABILIZATION, the psychologist would start the therapy to get to the ROOT CAUSES of the person's difficulties and help them manage their negative thoughts and emotions."

>"thus, psychologists and psychiatrists work together in many mental heath-care settings to help patients."

>"in SEVERE cases where medication may prove effective and psychologists REFER such cases to psychiatrists."